- March 8, 2025, 9:00 AM -(Saturday) Duck Identification at Somerset Lake. The lake is still frozen except for a pool at the upper end but we will still gather and see what it there. Lots of waterfowl have been passing through, they just don’t have any open water on which to refuge. Pintail, black ducks and other “cool” birds are being reported. Meeting in the parking area at the Mike Ohler Pavilion on the lake’s north end, which is at about 300 Gilmour Rd for a GPS.
- March 13, 2025, 3:00 PM (Thursday) – Schrock property connector trail layout. A small parking lot is planned for the corner on Craig Road. A connector trail will meander from that lot, through the Schrock acquisition to the White Trail. This is just a walk-through to find the most feasible and pleasing route for the trail, and an opportune time to explore the new property. This is not a trail building event, just planning.
- March 15, 2025, 9:00 AM (Saturday) – Duck Identification at Somerset Lake. Hoping for more open water so it should be a good day for ducks. Same time & location as March 8.
- March 23, 2025, 1:00 PM (Sunday) – Shrub planting on the Menser side along the edge of the Tree Swallow field. Meet at the Menser parking lot. This is dependent on shrub delivery.
- March 29, 2025, 4:00 PM – ? (Saturday) – Whitehorse Brewery will have the initial offering of Kimberly Run Teaberry Ale. Food truck, music, fun… Proceeds benefit Somerset County Conservancy. Kegs will also be distributed locally with half of profits benefitting the Conservancy.
- April 15, 2025, 8:30 AM – KRNA Forest Stewardship Plan walk. This is a meeting with NRCS forester James Palmer and consulting Forester Shannon Farrell. We will be exploring Kimberly Run, Menser, and Schrock properties to help the foresters gain an understanding of the property and SCC’s management goals. Just a walkabout with the forestry folks. I could use some help with lunch provisions.
- May 20, 21, 22, & 27, 2025, 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM (maybe longer on 5/27) – High school classes will be visiting Kimberly Run to frolic in the stream, learn how to conduct a stream study and see what critters inhabit the stream. Pam Diesel leads this effort. Come out to help, watch, or just visit any or all days. Waders and/or rubber boots are recommended. Let us know if you are able to help so Pam can plan accordingly.
Some other initiatives in the conceptual planning stage include:
- Possibly needing some help mowing if an intern is not available. SCC has multiple tractors for mowing.
- Obtaining or building a picnic table for the Menser property. Heavy, built-in benches, that can be anchored to prevent theft. SCC will fund it.
- A bridge is needed on the White Trail. More reconnaissance is needed to determine the design.
There will also be a bunch of formal outings advertised for public attendance throughout the spring, summer and fall, so watch for those notices as well.